Log Home Exterior Stains and Finishes

When it comes to preserving and protecting your log home, we are your one-stop center for all of your exterior and interior wood treatment supplies. As a vendor for Sashco since 1996, we offer their complete line and selection of stains, chinking, preservatives, clear coats, and other wood preservative products. Visit Sashco’s website to learn more about their complete offering of wood treatment products.
Choosing the right products for your log home will “preserve your dream”. Choosing the wrong products can cause you to spend hours preserving, staining, and sealing your log home, only to see the products you used fail. Some products are just not made for log homes or are not formulated to work together.
For instance, some preservatives can discolor wood, causing a lasting effect on the stain’s appearance. Stains with waxes or other additives can interfere with caulk or chinking adhesion, leaving cracks and checks. Stains that are not elastic will crack and peel when logs unavoidably move (from surface expansion and contraction due to moisture and temperature changes). Using the wrong caulks, those not formulated to adhere well to logs or to absorb log movement, can lead to loss of adhesion, tears, and sealant failure.
It pays to know which products fit together to effectively protect your home. Sashco’s log home products are formulated to work together to clean, preserve, stain, protect and seal your home.
When you purchase a material package from Contemporary Log Homes, the Sashco products to finish the interior and exterior of your log home are included in the package price. For additional Sashco products, pricing, quantities, color selection, or other questions regarding this critical step in protecting your new log home, please contact one of our representatives for details.